Wednesday, January 27, 2010

my painting "Sparks" on Apple Keynote!

I was reading the live feed from the apple keynote on engadget this morning. Steve Sprang was presenting his application Brushes. And guess what, he was using my painting "Sparks" for the demo on the new iPad! Wohoo! That made my day :D

David F. Gallagher/The New York Times

Watch the full Keynote on the Apple website

and the credit ^^v

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nail Biter Cowboy

My January entry for Travisty's Beard. The topic is "Extraordinary Heroes".

We filled one pot with random adjectives and one pot with nouns. Every artist picks one out of each pot and has to create a hero out of whatever he picked.

I picked "Nail Biter" and "Cowboy" out of the pots. Et voilà!

Nail Biter Cowboy