Hey there! I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy
with life and a new project at work that I didn't have time to do
personal work for a while. But I promise I'll be back soon. Meanwhile I
want to show you guys a small side project I did. My friend/dance
instructor just launched his site www.learntopop.com. He is offering
instructional dance videos for the dance style popping at a very low
price. All I can say is that I've been learning from him for a while and
he's an amazing instructor. Knows how to break things down. So if
you're interested in the dance style popping make sure to check out his
videos. He also teaches at City Dance Studios in SF www.citydance.org.
I did all the filming for the demo video below and the lessons too.
Filmed with:
Nikon D7000
24mm f1.4