' I enjoyed the game and it was a good start for Germany with 4:2.
Saturday I've spend the whole day practising Guitar...I think I practised around 7-8 hours....one month has past since I started playing guitar and my fingertips are molting for the 5th time now ^^;
I recorded a bit of my Guitar session where I try to play tears in heaven and stuff. You can listen to it by clicking on the following link.
Goro's Guitar Doodles...
Yesterday (sunday) I went with my buddies to the Europa Park. A great theme park with incredible roller coasters. After 3 rides....I got sick and needed a break ^^;
But soon I got better and could go on riding those wild mashines ^^
The Weather was perfect, around 31 degrees, almost too hot.
Here are some pictures...

The Roller Coaster you see in the Background is "Silver Star" The most fastest and highest Roller Coaster in Europe....killerride....

I don't blame you for getting sick...I don't think I could handle going on ONE ride :P
looks like fun thou!
hola goro! wir sind zurück! im irish pub warst du also, da waren wir auch, hehe. und im europapark war ich auch schon -als ehrengast hehe. die haben uns damals bei der wm unsere trikots gesponsert und wir durften dort 2 tage tun und lassen, was wir wollten, muss mal ein foto raussuchen... aber die fotos die du da gemacht hast, sind super! wir haben oft an dich gedacht in irland ;-) und haben ein paar fotos speziell für dich gemacht... my irish diary cooming soon on www.maoniu.blogspot.com :-)
Guitar Maniac!
Machst schnell fortschritte, ich komm mit meine Ukulele gar nicht mit ^_^
hehe thnx! ich bemühe mich. Ukulele wär auch interessant!
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