My brother came over from Japan a few days ago. He brought me a very neat X'mas present. A radio controled mini helicopter. Totally awesome. He took some pictures while I was trying to control this little thing ^^;

The Rules of the Game (by Awetopsy):
1) There will be 25 tiles altogether. Each tile will be 320x240 pixels. This way when we sew it all together it will equal out to 1600x1200 wallpaper size which can be resized easily.
2) Tiles must be created based on the theme "What may come..."
3) Please keep the tiles content clean (no nudity/swearing/inappropriate imagery/defamation etc.)
4) Tiles will be sent out in the general order of who signs up in the thread unless specially requested otherwise.
5) After I receive the first tiles back I will send the next four with 15 pixel borders of the previously completed tiles. Your job will then be to blend your tile in with the border you are sent. Please be careful not to change any part of the 15 pixel border you receive as that is part of somebody else's tile.
6) I will host the entire project on my web server for everyone to see. Each tile will be posted in its original state. However I reserve the right to make minor adjustments to any tiles that don't quite line up with the edges of the tiles on its borders. But the main content of your tiles will be unaltered.
7) Each participant will have 48 hours, from the time they receive the tile, to complete it and send it back to me. If more time is needed you must let me know before the time runs out or your tile will be assigned to somebody else.
This challenge draws on one of the most popular artistic themes – unusual behaviors and relationships. Whether it’s a giant robot admiring a fluffy teddy or a sheep in wolf's clothing; a cow that thinks it’s a helicopter or a warrior going into battle dressed as a giant pink bunny – they all make you stop and think. They also stimulate discussion – what one person finds funny another thinks is demented. Unusual juxtapositions and humor allow us an unprecedented freedom of expression. They can also bring us closer as we laugh together and at ourselves.