In down town at the subwaystation 'Gaensemarkt' in Hamburg, we have a traffic light with a countdown. You can see how long you will have to wait until you can cross the road. I talked to a friend about this, and we thought this feature is completely useless...but I realized when I crossed this road yesterday that you can see the countdown display from a greater distance. So you can adjust your walking speed to the countdown and you won't have to stop walking when you cross the road. ^^
I think it's not necessary to spend thousands of dollars for this little installation (which they did) but it was fun playing with the timing...
Anyways, I went on working on my animation. (still animating...)
So nothing special going on this weekend. But I just painted a little fanart of King Kong.
Time to go to bed...
nice sketch! yeah - a lot of imagery from that film stuck in my head. especially the sliding about on the ice.
The general atmosphere in your picture 's good. Peter Jackson's King Kong isn't bad either ;)
thnx all!
Yacin, que bien! Quizas podemos encontrarnos una vez que piensas? Podria mejorar mi espanol ;)
Hasta pronto
I love this.
This is just wonderful! Your sketches are great all around.
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