Saturday, January 21, 2006

Morning Walk

Fortunately my face is not swollen at all! The left side of my face still hurts a bit but it's way better than yesterday. Still can't eat real food....I'm starving... T.T

Here is a little doodle from today.
It wasn't my intention but the guy looks like me ^^;
I don't have no dog either.



Wow. what do you paint and sketch with?
nice work

Stephen said...

Gorgeous! Makes me miss living out in the country side on foggy mornings. Glad to hear you're recouping from the evil dentist. Soup is good for the soul!

Clive said...

Enjoying your work on your blog, Goro, and you are very generous with technical information. The dental surgery isn't so bad eh? When I had my wisdom teeth removed I was given intravenous valium, and was still conscious; marvelous stuff; not only did I euphorically watch them remove my teeth but they also surgically removed my wallet and most of it's contents!

Perry Linton Joseph Osuna said...

that's some hot stuff boy how do u do it!!!

Anonymous said...

what a synthesis, Goro! I like very much your work !


Sparth said...

great image mitsui
saw it on sijun, the values are great, and there's a very natural feel to it. i love it


blabla said...

Thnx everyone!

joe giampapa
Thnx, I use wacom and photoshop

what a horrible story...sorry for that :) my surgery was really not too bad ^^

Thank you and thnx for stopping by!

Robin said...

Very dynamic style! I also browsed your website and - my favourite area - sketchbook pages. I'd love to see more, and thanks for stopping by my blog

Andrea Blasich said...

Nice work Goro!
Thanks for visiting my Blog!
I will stop by again,I'll promise.

TANYA LYON said...

love the feel of this one! The composition is awesome!

Beautiful Job!

PotatoFarmGirl said...

I love this, a foggy early morning dog walk in warm cozy sweater.